In extraordinary emergencies and comparable exceptional situations, the cohesion and willingness to help in Germany is enormous. Not least in the flood disaster of 2021 in regions of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, we were able to experience how spontaneous willingness to help arises and help is offered. In particular, unaffiliated helpers – who are not integrated into any fixed structures such as aid organisations or the fire brigade – play an important role in these situations.
Against this background, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) supports the conception and realisation of the Mobile Helpers project by the Federal Working Group First Aid (ASB, DRK, DLRG, JUH, MHD). In cooperation with Mobile Retter e.V., the main goal of the project is to promote the commitment of the population by systematically integrating unattached helpers into civil protection operations.
The technical platform and the associated components of the app are currently being developed. A first pilot phase is planned for the second half of 2023. We will keep you informed about current developments in the “News” section. To better protect yourself and your environment, you can already prepare yourself here.
In the event of a disaster/extraordinary emergency such as floods, storms, heavy snowfall, etc., the crisis team believes that unattached volunteers can be systematically integrated into civil protection operations as mobile helpers. In this way, mobile helpers can be alerted and integrated precisely to meet the needs of the civil protection units.
In future, anyone interested can register as a potential volunteer helper in extraordinary emergencies via the “Mobile Helper” app, which is currently being developed. But the Mobile Helpers project wants to do even more: in addition to involving unattached helpers in civil protection missions, the Mobile Helpers should also take something away for themselves through information and training offers. This also increases the citizens’ ability to help themselves and the resilience of society as a whole.
Everyone is welcome to become a mobile helper. You alone decide to what extent you want to get involved. You choose the level of involvement that suits you best from three levels. In the first engagement level “Simply Inform” you get access to the knowledge area to prepare yourself on the topics of safety and prevention. If you want to actively participate as a mobile helper in dealing with extraordinary emergencies, you can advance to the second engagement level “Simply Join In” by registering and completing the mandatory e-learning “Safe in Action”. At this level, you can participate in tasks that do not require any previous experience, such as: Filling sandbags, removing waste or receiving and distributing donated goods. In the third level of involvement, “Specific involvement”, you can use qualifications and certificates you have already acquired, such as driving licences, professional qualifications or other qualifications: Driving licences, professional qualifications or other education and training certificates can be uploaded to your profile. This allows you to be alerted individually according to your skills and deployment wishes.